Respect Life promotes respect for human life from conception to natural death as set forth in the Encyclical “Evangelium Vitae”. Please call the Parish Life Office for more informaton 505-299-9111.
Social Concerns Ministry coordinates the monthly collection for the poor in our city and the “Adopt-a-Family for Thanksgiving”. Please call the Parish Life Office for more informaton 505-299-9111.
St. Vincent de Paul Society is an on-going ministry for advocacy, direct assistance to the poor, and education through home visits. Meetings are every third Monday at 6:30 -8:00 pm in St. Magdalene Hall. St. Vincent de Paul ABQ Thrift Store
Women’s Guild helps the parish in various ways including bereavement meals served for family and guests after the funeral Mass in the parish. Please call the Parish Life Office for more informaton 505-299-9111.
Consolation "Grief" Ministry walks with and supports with loving care our parishioners who are grieving for their lost loved ones.
Companions on the Journey provide spiritual companionship to those who are permanently homebound or terminally ill, through Holy Communion and visits.
Marianites bring communion to the sick and homebound parishoners.
Visitation Ministry visits and spends some time with sick and elderly in different nursing homes.
Please call the Parish Life Office for more informaton 505-299-9111.
Women of Grace - This is a great opportunity for women to discover the gift of authentic femininity, the holiness of life, and God's awesome purpose and mission for them in the world. Eleven sessions on given topics are offered in the Fall and Spring. For details, please call Sr. Linda Carandang at 505-299-9111 or Anne Desautels at 505-259-6095.
Marriage Matters provides an environment and resources to help couples nurture their marriages through continuing marriage formation, free dinner, child care and other activities. They meet once a month. For more information contact Deacon Patrick Sena at 505-228-4936
Kingsmen - Provides an environment for men to pray, develop virtues, practice accountability, serve others, and be formed in our God-given roles of leaders, protectors, and providers. Meets on Tuesdays at 7:00 - 8:30 pm at Sangre de Cristo Parish. For details, please email or visit The King's Men Annunciation Facebook page.
Infant Baptism Preparation Class for Parent and Godparents
This required sacramental session, facilitated by married couples, is held every second Monday from 7:00 – 9:00 pm in St. Magdalene Hall.
Dates & Times are subject to change. Plese call the parish office to sign up for the class on the friday before the 2nd Monday of the month.
Parents and Godparents seeking baptism for a child have a responsibility to attend a baptism preparation session before the Baptism takes place. Annunciation Parish offers a Baptism Preparation instruction class once a month from 7:00 - 9:00 PM. Parents should carefully consider choosing a saint’s name for their child, perhaps a role model whose life reflects the hopes and aspirations for this God-given child. Please contact the Parish Office to register and for more information.
Baptisms usually take place on the 3rd or 4th weekend of the month for the specific date all paperwork must be received into the office before scheduling the baptism.
Sacramental Preparation for Marriage
This is a spiritual partnership between the engaged couple and a Marriage Couple Mentor assigned by Msgr. Voorhies. The Natural Family Planning (NFP) is a mandatory 3-session part of the preparation. (See Adult Formation Page for NFP information.)
RCIA (Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults) is a process for unbaptized adults who are interested in becoming Catholics and for those baptized Christians who seek full communion with the Catholic Church through the Sacraments of Eucharist and Confirmation. Sessions run from August to May on Tuesdays from 7 to 9 pm. For details, please call the RCIA director Deacon Pat Sena at 505 228 4936.
Divine Mercy Cenacle – meets every first and third Mondays at 7:00 – 8:30 pm, in St. Francis Hall. Please bring the Diary of St. Faustina, Cenacle Manual. Bible, and Catechism of the Catholic Church.
Rosary Guild – join the group who prays the Rosary every day, after the 8:30 AM and 5:30 PM Masses, in the church.
Eucharistic Adoration – Our parish is blessed to have a Adoration Chapel. All parishioners are welcome to spend time in prayer, silence, and meditation in the Presence of our Lord (call Leslie Monette at 505-296-0411 to schedule your visits). Adoration is held in the church on First Fridays.
The Policy for the Archdiocese of Santa Fe regarding the protection and safety of children is required to be updated every 5 years.
All employees and volunteers must complete the training prior to beginning employment or volunteering.
If you are a current volunteer who’s training has exceeded 5 years, or a new volunteer, your training must be completed before beginning volunteering or starting your employment.
There are options to complete the training: